liz writes

whatever she wants to say she can and does

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I hope you read this!

Good Morning and I hope you have a nice last three years!
It is hard to believe that another 3 have passed but it is time!

Not much as changed and I still would never be able to use a blog on a daily basis.  Now I don't even have to think about it.  I just tweet my little shout-outs and move on with my life without thinking about perfect grammar.

I would like to rant and rave about how my ex-bosses are assholes and don't pay and name names.  But they know who they are and unfortunately one is a sociopath so he thinks that because he hides behind an false company he set up in the UK and so his name is not on the letterhead he is not responsible.  I told you he was a sociopath!  The other partner at the time is just an asshole who took the only money in the company (earned from a client I worked on) and then closed it!  Gotta love these people.  There are other more determined people than me out to get them so they will suffer in the end.  They are already unhappy losers in life.

Ok, I promise I won't go on about the power hungry bitch who people can't stand (she hasn't yet realized that she is the real problem) or the sociopath's loser brother who bought a jacuzzi with the company's money so I didn't get my paid maternity (that you should get in Italy).

I know I look like the dipshit here but I totally am.  Never again!

So I have ruined my work of art with something I needed to get off my chest.

Oh and just to make sure you know that I am talking about you because you all are in denial... If your initials are PS, RR, SB or CS then Yes its you.